How OkiOki integrates with the accountancy software Octopus

How OkiOki integrates with the accountancy software Octopus

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Octopus & OkiOki integration

Are you an entrepreneur or accountant working with Octopus? Then OkiOki herself sends all invoices and receipts as a UBL to the Octopus e-mail address.

If you, as an entrepreneur, have received your Octopus email address from your accountant, then go to the 'Transfer to accountant' screen via 'Connections'. There you choose the option 'Email' in the dropdown where you enter your Octopus email address. If your accountant has foreseen an email address per type of document (purchases, sales, miscellaneous), then you can also enter these specific email addresses here.

Tip for the accountant:

If OkiOki sends the documents to an address that starts with uid (e.g. then the documents will end up in Octopus' Document Import Viewer.

From the Document Import Viewer you can then process the documents.

Would you like different folders per type of document in the DMS? Then give your entrepreneur different e-mail addresses. To do this, go to 'Manage, Files' and click on 'Detail'. There you will see the email address of the file. If you add a word after the hyphen, in capitals e.g. "PI" for purchase invoices, and a file is sent to this email address, a subfolder is automatically created in the Document Import Viewer with this word (e.g. "PI") as its name. For example, if you send a file to then you will see the subfolder PI appear containing the correct file. This way the entrepreneur can have his or her documents arrive in a different folder per document type.

Octopus online accounting software

Octopus is a complete accounting package. It works entirely in the cloud so you don't have to invest in expensive servers and the accountant and business owner can easily work together in real time. With Octopus, the cloud also means automatic updates and free backups.

Octopus for all types of businesses    

With almost 19 years of experience, Octopus Accountancy Software is an established name in the world of online accounting software. It is still the only Belgian player in the market. As a result, it is always up to date with the latest legislative changes and has a close relationship with its audience. Octopus listens to what can be improved and carries out a major update every two years. The result: a user-friendly and economical accounting package that takes into account the needs of its users, whether they are accountants, entrepreneurs, sole traders, companies, non-profit organizations, etc.

Probeer nu OkiOki gratis

100% in orde met de verplichte e-facturatie
Offertes en e-facturen opmaken & verzenden
E-facturen ontvangen
Alle facturen automatisch naar je accountant
Yep, een all-in e-facturatiepakket
Tot 1/1/2026
excl. BTW
Je volledige financiële administratie 100% in orde
Alles van Start +
Automatisch facturen verzamelen via je mailbox en portalen
Documenten automatisch verzamelen
OkiOki scant automatisch je mailbox op facturen en centraliseert deze in één overzichtelijk platform. Dit betekent dat je nooit meer facturen handmatig hoeft te zoeken of manueel moet uploaden.
Automatisch de betalingsstatus opvolgen
Betaalstatus opvolgen
OkiOki kan eenvoudig de betaalstatus van al je documenten controleren. Zo weet je op elk moment wat je ontvangt en wat er buitengaat.
Inzicht in je cash-flow
En zoveel meer slimme features om je administratie te automatiseren

25 documenten
1 bankrekening
1 mailbox
1 cloud-folder
€ 0.50/extra document
excl. BTW

70 documenten
2 bankrekeningen
2 mailboxen
2 cloud-folders
€ 0.30/extra document
excl. BTW

200 documenten
3 bankrekeningen
3 mailboxen
3 cloud-folders
€ 0.20/extra document
excl. BTW

Testez OkiOki gratuitement

100% en ordre avec la facturation électronique obligatoire
Création et envoi de devis et de factures électroniques
Réception des factures électroniques
Envoi automatique des factures à votre comptable
Oui, un package de facturation électronique tout-en-un
Jusqu'au 1/1/2026
hors TVA
Toute votre administration financière est en ordre à 100 %
Tout de Start +
Collecter automatiquement les factures via votre boîte mail et vos portails
Documenten automatisch verzamelen
OkiOki scant automatisch je mailbox op facturen en centraliseert deze in één overzichtelijk platform. Dit betekent dat je nooit meer facturen handmatig hoeft te zoeken of manueel moet uploaden.
Surveiller automatiquement l'état du paiement
Betaalstatus opvolgen
OkiOki kan eenvoudig de betaalstatus van al je documenten controleren. Zo weet je op elk moment wat je ontvangt en wat er buitengaat.
Un aperçu de votre trésorerie
Et bien d’autres fonctionnalités intelligentes pour automatiser votre administration
1 compte bancaire
1 boîte mail
1 dossier cloud
€ 0.50/document supplémentaire
hors TVA
2 comptes bancaires
2 boîtes mail
2 dossiers cloud
€ 0.30/document supplémentaire
hors TVA
3 comptes bancaires
3 boîtes mail
3 dossiers cloud
€ 0.20/document supplémentaire
hors TVA

Try OkiOki for free

100% in order with the mandatory e-invoicing
Create & send quotes and e-invoices
Receive e-invoices
All in voices automatically to your accountant
Yes, an all-in e-invoicing package
Until 1/1/2026
excl. VAT
Your complete financial administration 100% in order
Everything included in Start +
Automatically collect invoices via your mailbox and portals
Documenten automatisch verzamelen
OkiOki scant automatisch je mailbox op facturen en centraliseert deze in één overzichtelijk platform. Dit betekent dat je nooit meer facturen handmatig hoeft te zoeken of manueel moet uploaden.
Automatically track the payment status
Betaalstatus opvolgen
OkiOki kan eenvoudig de betaalstatus van al je documenten controleren. Zo weet je op elk moment wat je ontvangt en wat er buitengaat.
Insight into your cash flow
And so many more smart features to automate your administration
1 bank account
1 mail box
1 cloud folder
€ 0.50/extra document
excl. VAT
2 bank account
2 mail boxes
2 cloud folders
€ 0.30/extra document
excl. VAT
3 bank account
3 mail boxes
3 cloud-folders
€ 0.20/extra document
excl. BTW