How to receive sales invoices from Eenvoudig Factureren in OkiOki

How to receive sales invoices from Eenvoudig Factureren in OkiOki

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[Subtitles available in English. Click on the ⚙︎ icon]

If you already create your invoices via the cloud invoicing of Eenvoudig Factureren, you can easily receive all these invoices in OkiOki.

Go to the settings of your Eenvoudig Factureren account and click on the tab 'E-mail settings'.

If you have indicated in your settings to send your invoices via your own mailbox (GMAIL) and you have also linked this mailbox with OkiOki, you're already done. As OkiOki picks up every outgoing invoice that goes out via your own mailbox.

However, if you chose one of the options:

  • Send with forwarding address ('Verzenden met doorzendadres')
  • Send with your own email address ('Verzenden met eigen emailadres')
  • Send with own mailbox (SMTP) ('Verzenden met eigen mailbox (SMTP)')
  • Send with your own mailbox (GMAIL) ('Verzenden met eigen mailbox (GMAIL)') and this mailbox is not linked to OkiOki

You can make sure your invoices are delivered to OkiOki via the backup e-mail address. Just paste your personal OkiOki e-mail address (which you can find under 'Preferences > OkiOki e-mail address') in the 'Backup e-mail address' field of Eenvoudig Factureren. From now on, every invoice that is sent from Eenvoudig Factureren will also arrive in OkiOki.

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